febrero 2016

Nos encontramos en una época en la cual los huertos urbanos estan teniendo un auge muy grande, este auge está haciendo que muchas personas busquen poder cultivar en sus propias casas una amplia variedad de frutas y verduras que antes se resignaban a adquirir en el mercado.

Los desafíos que supone tener un huerto urbano se simplifican si optamos por una opción que está teniendo especial éxito; las mesas de cultivo. En este artículo te contamos todo en relación a esta práctica solución doméstica para tener un huerto de manera asequible y sencilla.

¿Qué es una mesa de cultivo?

Una mesa de cultivo es propiamente una mesa especialmente preparada para ser utilizada como lugar de plantación y cultivo de una gran variedad de vegetales. Para ello, las mesas de cultivo se componen de cuatro patas y una superficie que lejos de ser lisa, se asemeja más a una enorme maceta en donde añadir la tierra o sustrato. Es importante que la mesa de cultivo cumpla una serie de condiciones tales como ser apta para el riego, ser resistente y sobretodo, tener una profundidad mínima para poder sernos de verdadera utilidad y no tener que trasplantar las plantas.

Ventajas de una mesa de cultivo

La ventaja más importante es su comodidad, disponer de una mesa de cultivo nos permite tener una superficie de trabajo mucho más cómoda. Tengamos en cuenta, que cuidar de nuestra plantación en una mesa es muchísimo más cómodo que hacerlo en el suelo. Además, nos permitirá poder cultivar en cualquier espacio (terrazas, áticos, balcones, etc.) en los que de otra manera nos sería prácticamente imposible. Por practicidad, una mesa de cultivo de calidad nos puede aportar muchísimo en todos los aspectos.

Tipos de mesas de cultivo

Existen diferentes tipos de mesas de cultivo. Las diferenciaremos por una serie de motivos, en primer lugar distinguiremos por material. En este sentido diremos que las hay de madera, metálicas y plásticas así como de otros materiales tales como el granito. Nosotros, te recomendamos sobretodo las mesas de cultivo de madera, ya que guardan el mejor equilibrio entre durabilidad y ligereza, siendo además razonablemente económicas.

En cuanto a la forma de construcción, podemos distinguir entre las mesas de cultivo armadas, es decir, que se adquieren de manera completa y conjunta, las mesas de cultivo para montar, son aquellas que adquirimos en piezas, predominantemente de plástico y madera, y las caseras, que son todas aquellas que se realizan mediante técnicas de bricolaje y de manera artesanal.

Si nos vemos con la capacidad de hacerla nosotros mismos, sin dudas te recomendamos que lo hagas, pues además de gratificante, podremos hacerlo a nuestro gusto y medida. En cualquier otro caso, puedes adquirir una mesa de cultivo en nuestra tienda online de huertos urbanos. Además en nuestra tienda puedes adquirir una amplia selección de semillas ecológicas.

Una vez la tengamos montada, tendremos que tener en cuenta que no todas las especies vegetales se plantan de la misma forma, en concreto algunas van en semilleros, como es el caso de los tomates, pimientos o lechugas, y otras van en siembra directa en la mesa de cultivo, como es el caso de los rabanitos, las espinacas o el perejil.

La mesa de cultivo será un éxito si sabemos sacar hasta el último centímetro de provecho, y no dudamos que lo harás.

¿Te animas?

Luis Guillermo Solis, president, was named as the winner of "
Enemy of the Sharks 2016 'award from the German organization SharkProject.

With Solis was also awarded the State of California, USA Since November, the president underwent a twenty nominations by conservation organizations located in the country and in different nations.

"Unfortunately, domestic political pressure was too great. Worse, Luis Guillermo turned the wheel (...) The measures to protect sharks were undermined. In addition, many new laws and regulations were adopted by the government, which favor fishing for shark fin trade. The first good steps were initiated for the conservation of sharks in Costa Rica, have been removed, "said SharkProject.

LEA: postulate Solis for "Enemy Shark 2016" award

Solis is not the only one with this unwelcome prize. Abel Pacheco, president of the Republic (2002-2006), received the award during his last year in office.

"Then President Abel Pacheco received 10 years ago the 2006 award for its policies, especially in the hidden private docks, which prevented any legislative control. With subsequent president, Laura Chinchilla Miranda, was a rethinking: banned trade in shark fins and the use of illegal piers and made to Costa Rica one of the leading nations of shark protection, "accused the report released by SharkProject.

The award will be presented by Solis conservationist NGO, and which is an ally of SharkProject. Notably, the jury is composed of 31 organizations.

LEA: Government is shaken after a contentious nomination Solis prize

"This is intended to publicly show the red card at international and national level. It has been reported on the nomination in November, was discussed in Costa Rica. But the changes did not take place, "he outlined the organization.

When the nomination came, the government and insisted distanced managing a schedule marina well prepared with the advice of several groups through the roundtables.

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Threatened Species compiled by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) brings bad news: the West African black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis longipes) it has been officially declared extinct. The reason: overhunting to sell their horns on the black market. The black rhino joins the long list of creatures, from the Tasmanian tiger to the Arabian gazelle or a wallaby Grey, who will no tread our planet.

In the renovated Red List also it appears as "possibly extinct" other rhino, white rhino Central Africa (northern white rhinoceros). And experts warn that the Javan rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) could follow suit. "For both the western black rhinoceros and the northern white rhino, the situation could have been very different from the suggested conservation measures have been implemented," lamented Simon Stuart, Chair of the Species Survival Commission of IUCN.

The organization has also indicated that, despite conservation programs, 25% of mammals is currently endangered.

The data also shed good news, as some conservation efforts have already borne fruit, including those made to protect the subspecies of white rhino Ceratotherium simum simum, which has grown from a population of less than 100 at the end of the nineteenth century, a wild population estimated at more than 20,000. Przewalski's horse (Equus ferus) is another success story that enhances its status from "critically endangered" to "endangered."

With more than 61,000 species examined, the IUCN Red List has become a true "barometer of life", as nicknamed renowned experts in the journal Science in 2010.

Plants also endangered

While plants are an essential resource for human welfare and a critical component of the habitats of wildlife, you still underrepresented in the IUCN Red List. Among the current efforts to increase this knowledge include the examination of all conifers. The results so far reveal some disturbing trends. The Chinese cypress (Glyptostrobus pensilis), for example, previously spread throughout China and Viet Nam, has moved from Endangered to Critically Endangered. Habitat loss due to the expansion of agriculture has been the main reason for its decline, and China seems to have no traces of wild plants. In Vietnam, there are very few trees that produce viable seeds, which means that this species is heading towards extinction in the wild.

Another example, Taxus contorta, which is used to produce Taxol, a chemotherapy drug for cancer, has moved from Vulnerable to Endangered due to over-exploitation for medicinal use and uncontrolled harvesting for firewood and fodder. Many other species of tropical plants are also at risk. Most plants endemic flowers of the Seychelles have also been evaluated and current studies show that, of the 79 species, 77% are endangered.

Why do we need organic food, there are many reasons to do this, and also to grow our own food.

1. Because they are healthy

Organic products are healthier because they are free from persistent toxic residues from pesticides, antibiotics, synthetic fertilizers, additives and preservatives, many of which are used in conventional farming to eliminate insects or pests and fight disease, and medium to long term can damage our body. Does not contain artificial substances, food from organic agriculture are properly assimilated by the body without altering metabolic functions. According to nutritionists, many of the degenerative diseases have their origin in food.

Another feature of organic farming is that, grow food in soil balanced by natural fertilizers, products are more nutritious because they contain higher levels of vitamins, especially the C, essential minerals-calcium, magnesium, iron, chromium ... -, antioxidants which help prevent certain diseases such as cancer, carbohydrates and proteins.

2. Because they do not contain synthetic additives

Organic foods do not contain synthetic additives that can cause health problems such as heart failure, osteoporosis, migraines and hyperactivity. Notably, biological products, grown without the use of agrochemicals, respecting the natural rhythms without additives, are balanced and rich in nutrients. On the other hand, various studies have shown that it is essential to incorporate synthetic substances in farming or food production or in its subsequent storage. No more looking off-season to fill the nutritional needs of nuestroorganismo.

3. Because not contain pesticides

Hundreds of chemical pesticides are routinely used in conventional farming causing residues appear pesticide residues in food from the agriculture we eat daily. Different toxicological studies demonstrate the link between pesticides and certain diseases such as cancer, allergies and asthma.

Pesticide use is also detrimental to the health of farm workers, a serious problem especially in developing countries where pesticide use is largely unregulated.

In turn, the use of these substances harmful to the environment and leads to additional cost to society, because it should eliminate pesticides leave residues in nature.

4. Because they do not contain genetically modified organisms

In organic farming genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is not allowed. GMO crops can have negative consequences for the environment and lack of research on long-term consequences of transgenic crop; there is currently no scientific findings showing that the cultivation of GMOs and GM food are harmless to the environment and human health, and it is unknown if the intake of genetically modified plants is a direct health hazard, although there is evidence showing an influence on the metabolism.

Agriculture with genetically modified organisms leads to genetic uniformity and hence to genetic erosion, which means a loss of variety, with large areas of the same crop. Organic farming wants to conserve and promote the genetic diversity of the species and types, and with it the wealth of culture landscapes.

5. Because they do not contain antibiotics

Today there is concern about the increasing use of antibiotics in the traditional livestock and the possible effects on human health.

Control standards of European regulation prohibiting the use of antibiotics in organic farming, a fact that benefits the health of consumers. Veterinary treatment given to cattle, except very typified exceptions, is in many homeopathic occasions; this means that the animals are cared for preventively avoiding antibiotics, tranquilizers, or hormones.

6. Because they are environmentally sustainable

Respecting the environment is a top of organic products; when we consume foods organically grown collaborate in the conservation of the environment and avoid pollution of land, water and air.

Organic farming is the most respectful with the fauna, which generates a lower pollution from sprays, produces less carbon dioxide, prevents the greenhouse effect, it does not generate contaminating waste and helps to save energy and governments, as in the cultivation and processing of the products the most renewable resources are exploited.

It should be noted that the decline in biodiversity is one of the major environmental problems of today; organic agriculture preserves the seeds for the future, preventing thus the disappearance of some varieties of great nutritious and cultural value.

7. Because they have highest levels of quality

Organic food from organic agriculture, which uses a production system for maximum reliability as it is subject to a traceability from the field to the table by the European Regulation 2092/91.

All actors in the food chain are under the control and inspection of the raw materials used, the process of processing, packaging, labeling, etc. by companies accredited control and certification.

8. Because they are respectful of animal welfare

European regulation provides for specific measures for organic farming in regard to habitability on farms in order to avoid stressing the animals and Growth in semi freedom.

This type of farming allows the animals to grow to their natural rhythm and adequate living conditions. Animals are not artificially or intensively manipulated to achieve greater production, because, among other things, artificial insemination is not practiced or hormones are used.

Feeding these animals it is based on natural pastures, preferably milk from her own mother, and organic feed and fodder, free from pesticides, fertilizers and genetically modified. Importantly, an animal well kept and stress produce more and enjoy better health.

Another feature of organic farming is that enhances the native varieties that are best adapted to the conditions in the area.

9. Because they are respectful of nature

Organic farming fertilizes the earth and slows desertification; favors water retention and does not contaminate aquifers; promotes biodiversity; maintains habitats of wild animals, allowing and encouraging the life of many species; respects the natural cycles of crops, avoiding degradation and pollution of ecosystems; It promotes biodiversity and ecological balance through different practices: rotations, associations, green manure, hedges, ranching, etc .; enhances the natural soil fertility and productive capacity of the agricultural system; incorporating recycles nutrients back to the soil as compost or organic fertilizers, and use of natural resources optimally.

In short, respects the balance of nature contributing to the preservation of the ecosystem and sustainable rural development.

10. Because they are tastier

Organic products, being made of more traditional and careful way, recover the original taste and taste better. Because the plants are only regenerated and fertilized organically, they grow healthier and develop a better way, preserving the authentic aroma, color and flavor. Therefore, many consumers prefer organic food because they retain the true taste of each ingredient and allows them to recover the traditional flavor of food. In addition, organic foods are better than conventional preserved.

The soil assumes a vital importance and is not only a support for the plants, but a complex web of life that must be strengthened and pamper. It is the only method of agriculture that seeks to harmonize the functioning of natural systems with the interests of human beings getting healthy foods with sustainable yields and ensuring the conservation of natural resources, health of people and contributes to mitigating the effects of global warming .

What organic farming is based?


a combination of different crops and plant varieties (companion planting) in the same field, avoiding monocultures that are used in industrial agriculture is grown. Thus many synergies between crops are achieved.

Agricultural biodiversity increases the resistance of plants to climate change. It has been scientifically proven that both in nature and in agriculture, biodiversity offers a natural insurance policy against extreme weather events.

Enhance natural biodiversity, wild plants, beneficial insects, predators ... it is another way to ensure a key holding balance.

No use of chemical inputs.

Pest control is done naturally by enhancing natural control systems, for example by introducing beneficial insects and birds that feed on pests and plants that repel pests and attract beneficial insects. It is not allowed the use of hazardous chemicals or the use of GMOs.

Natural fertilizers are also key to organic farming. Fertile soil with green manure is achieved by, for example, the cultivation of legumes. The addition of animal manure and compost also enrich the soil. These are just some of the ways to increase the organic matter and soil fertility without synthetic fertilizers. The use of natural fertilizers also allows savings to farmers, and also eliminates the need for artificial inputs. With natural fertilizers, the soil is rich in organic matter, better able to hold water, and allows for better protection against erosion. It is not allowed the use of chemical fertilizers.

Tillage land

Soil is the main character, it is treated as what it is: a complex living thing, respecting the myriad organisms that make up what, working to maintain fertility. It is therefore possible to make the minimum basic tillage, even none in some cases, not to alter its inherent complexity and not lose the layers (horizons) with more organic matter.
Another basic points in organic farming is crop rotation so that the soil does not become impoverished, on the contrary, enrich, and to avoid the appearance of pests.


Organic farming allows communities to produce enough food to feed themselves. This type of agriculture favors a future friendly agriculture and healthy food for all people. The organically grown foods taste better and are healthier. A recent study in California shows that strawberries grown ecologically sweeter than those produced conventionally. The ecological variety also contains 10% more antioxidants, related to the prevention of many diseases.

In economic terms, this method of modern agriculture leads to higher crop yields. Globally, organic farming can produce an average of approximately 30% more food per hectare than conventional farming. In developing countries, organic farming can produce about 80% more food per hectare. By not using synthetic chemical inputs also are highly polluting, very important for farmers saving occurs.

Also, it is the best way to mitigate the effects of climate change and help the world's population to adapt to the changes brought about by global warming.

Who practices organic farming?
Today, 2,600 million people (about 40% of the world population) are small farmers. These are farmers who produce most of the food we eat.

Millions of farmers around the world practice organic farming, showing that it is possible to produce enough food to profitable organic methods.

Examples of organic farming worldwide.
Spain is the country that, for the fourth year, has been at the head of the pack in the European Union in terms of area under organic farming, and the figure reached 1,845,039 hectares representing a growth in 2011 11.76%. It is a clear example of that organic farming is viable and is the only solution to save agriculture and to enable rural development, especially in these times of profound socio-economic and ecological crisis.

There are many more examples:

Increased crop yields: In the United States, compared agronomists planted cornfields as monocultures with others who had most biodiverse crops (three crops plus three cover crops). It was the latter which saw performance by more than 100%

Most fertile soil: A study was conducted for 21 years in European farms showed that organic fertilizers provide better soil stability, higher fertility and more biodiversity (including earthworms and microorganisms) that fertilized soils synthetically.

Sustainable fertilizer: A meta-analysis of data from 77 published studies suggests that legumes used as green manures can provide enough nitrogen to replace the entire amount of synthetic nitrogen currently in use without loss in food production.

Pest resistance: Scientists and farmers in Yunnan, China, using organic farming to reverse the "rice blast", a fungus that is the leading cause of disease in rice plants. rice varieties susceptible to diseases were mixed with other resistant reaching a yield above 89%. In addition the incidence of disease was 94% lower compared with the conventional verified in monoculture.

profitable agriculture: In Andhra Pradesh, India, organic farming helped increase net income of farmers. Savings in chemicals ranged between 600 and 6,000 Indian rupees (US $ 15-150) (7.66 to 76 euros) per hectare, while crop yields were stable.


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